Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor & Boatloads Of Money

1. Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, is undergoing intense scrutiny from conservatives as confirmation hearings approach. Conservatives are most critical of a statement Sotomayor made in 2002, saying a Latina judge would "more of than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said via his Twitter feed, "White man racist nominee would be forced to withdraw. Latina woman racist should also withdraw." Most would agree that Gingrich is unqualified to tweet on Latina issues, but Gingrich insists he will always be "Newty from the Block."

2. Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz said Wednesday that she would sell the company's Internet search business to Microsoft, but only for a "boatload of money." The two companies have not reached any agreement or held a meeting, but you can be sure photos of any such meeting will be available on Google.

3. In an interview with Health magazine, actress Brook Shields says that she regrets not having sex at an earlier age than 22, when she lost her virginity. Yeah? Somewhere in America, a Brook Shields high school boyfriend with a promise ring is thinking the exact same thing.

4. On Wednesday, Mexico's Health Ministry told reporters that the country's swine flu death toll has risen to 89. This brings the worldwide total, calculated by various hysteric media outlets, to nearly 80 trillion people.

5. Queen Elizabeth is reportedly "fuming" over not being invited to D-Day commemorations in Normandy, the 65th anniversary of the offensive. France and the U.S. have planned an event, which left Britain feeling snubbed. France and the U.S. tried to defend their actions but Britain would hear nothing of it and a loud fight ensued, after which point the U.S. and France asked for Britain's key to the apartment.

High five.