Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Brett Favre & New Faces

1. A new study reveals that the French spend more time eating and sleeping than any of the world's wealthier nations, with the United States and Spain following closely after. What people sleep the least? ... TERRORISTS!

2. On Tuesday, the woman who underwent the first successful face transplant in the US revealed her new look. Connie Culp's face was terribly disfigured when her husband fired a shotgun at her in 2004. The news conference went without a hitch, until a faceless woman in the crowd yelled, "My god, does my nose really look like that?"

3. A California couple blew the whistle on their daughter's high school cheerleading coach when they discovered she once posed for Playboy Online. The parents immediately told the principal, but not before visiting a nearby preschool where they killed Santa in front of the children.

4. It was reported Tuesday that Brett Favre will be meeting with the Vikings' head coach about a possible comeback with Minnesota, after retiring two years in a row. The Vikings have already started printing up "We'll Miss You, Brett!" tee shirts.

5. Scientists in London today revealed a race car tht runs on the "waste from chocolate factories." The car's body and steering wheel are made from plant fibers while the seat is built from soybean oil foam. In unrelated news, it's been learned that 12 Oompa Loompas have now gone missing.

High five.