Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hamid Karzai & Sexting

1. President Barack Obama said Wednesday in a meeting with the leaders of Pakistan and Afghanistan that he deeply regrets the civilian Afghan casualties of a military incident earlier this week in the western area of the country. Afghan President Hamid Karzai applauded Obama's condolences and said it was a welcomed change to George W. Bush's celebratory fist pump.

2. With the new Star Trek movie on its way to theaters, scientists are once again hypothesizing on the likelihood of warp drive technology, or faster-than-light space travel, previously thought impossible as shown by Einstein. But what if, scientists say, you could move space-time itself, rather than attempt to travel through it? If space-time could move faster than light during the Big Bang, as is believed, could that phenomenon somehow be harness? And should scientists finally discover space-time travel, how long before they crack the fabled "girl's vagina matrix"?

3. New campaigns are starting all over the country to stop an act known as "sexting," or sexual relations had via the exchange of explicit text messages or photos. Authorities are warning teens that "sexting" can damage your future, possibly tainting your image or even costing you a job. Experts say that "sexting" started small, with just the good looking kids doing it, but has since exploded with the iPhone's new "Beer Goggles" app.

4. Amazon revealed its new Kindle DX on Wednesday, a new version of the popular device that is 250% larger than its predecessor. Critics say the DX doesn't offer enough to justify the higher asking price of $489 -- no color graphics or video capability. Amazon, however, insists it has plenty of cool features that make it worth while, including a built-in PDF reader, content from three leading newspapers, and a hunk of silly putty.

5. New York's Guernsey's auction house is preparing the auction of a private collection of torture devices, including an executioner's sword, a tongue-tearer, and a rack for stretching bodies. No word yet on how much the devices will fetch, but the more important question: what will Dick Cheney do with that empty room?

High five.