Tuesday, December 1, 2009

LCDs Down 22% & Jesus Christs Up 100%

1. On Friday, the first ever North Korean-made designer jeans will go on sale in Sweden for about $215. The jeans were designed in honor of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, so they will only be available at Baby Gap.

2. A Birmingham, Alabama woman who had legally changed her name to Jesus Christ was evicted from a jury pool this week after causing a disruption. Court officials said the woman repeatedly asked questions and other jurors laughed aloud when she insisted her name was Jesus Christ. And suddenly, Jesus' idea to reveal himself to the public after first getting a sex change no longer sounds as good as it did in his head.

3. Last week, a Taiwanese man was reportedly robbed of more than $2 million he had just withdrawn from the bank making it the largest robbery in the country's history. Authorities say the man probably drew too much attention to himself. Security cameras show the man sitting at the cash machine for nearly 8 hours.

4. Tiger Woods and his wife were involved in a car crash incident late last week in which Woods hit a fire hydrant then crashed into a tree. Authorities are still unsure the cause of the accident but rumors are circulating that it's the result of a domestic dispute. Today, news anchors chuckled at some adorable, recently uncovered footage of a 6 year old Tiger Woods smacking around his first grade girlfriend.

5. Research firm ISuppli predicts television sales will be up 6% this week compared to last year and reports prices on LCD televisions are down 22% after Black Friday. Of course, that means very little this Christmas season to 15.7 million Americans whose income is down 100%.

High five.