Wednesday, December 9, 2009

PGA Bandwagon & Al Goring Palin

1. PGA players are jumping in on the Tiger Woods debate, criticizing the golfer for being "a phony." Golfer Ben Crane said of Woods, "He can't retain the squeaky-clean endorsement deal any longer," while golfer Charles Warren stated he thinks Wood's wife should leave him. Wow, PGA players: courageously taking the popular stand for a slighted woman... unless of course she wants to hit from the same tee they do.

2. A review this week of Barnes & Nobles e-reader the Nook called the contraption "a mess," citing issues such as slow screens and its inability to show color. Yes, God forbid you take the time to read a book let alone one without pictures and pretty colors.

3. It's been discovered that Men's Health magazine's most recent issue reused the cover from a previous issue from 2007. The magazine recycles lines like "Six-Pack Abs," "Dress For More Sex," and "Eat Better, Think Smarter." The most telling sign though was the headline "Tiger Woods Voted Most Gentlemanly Monogamous Man Of All Time."

4. An atheist man who was elected to city council in North Carolina is facing resistance today as opponents say under state law he cannot hold political office. Not the state law which bars people who deny the existence of God from holding office, but rather the one which doesn't allow "book learners."

5. While on the Laura Ingraham show Thursday, Sarah Palin said climate change believers try to make something out of nothing. When asked if she would ever debate Al Gore, Palin said Gore probably wouldn't want to lower himself to the level of "little old Sarah Palin from Wasilla." Well, he probably just wants to stay on high ground for when Wasilla, AK is underwater in 25 years.

High five.