Thursday, December 24, 2009

Five Jokes By Santa Claus

1. What's the most difficult part for Santa when giving the women of the house their present on Christmas Eve? Not waking their husbands as they wrap Santa's package. Ho ho ho!

2. Why does Santa need the women of the house to wrap his package when he visits on Christmas Eve? Well, Santa doesn't need to contract the gift that keeps on giving. Ho ho ho!

3. What's the worst thing about sex with Rudolph? He never does it with the light on. Ho ho ho!

4. My short little elves love living with me, but they hate my mistletoe belt. Ho ho ho!

5. What's the hardest part about ignoring a drunk dial from Santa? He knows when you're awake. Ho ho ho!

What do the reindeer yell when flying Santa over three women in a red light district? "Whores!" Ho ho ho... Oh, I kid.

Ho five.