Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dumb Babies & No-Hitters

1. Researchers reported on Wednesday that toddlers born to mothers who took the epilepsy drug valproate have lower IQ's than toddlers who were not. For years, evidence has suggested that prenatal exposure to the drug could cause major problems, and researchers say this study only highlights those assumptions. Still, scientists say, more unfortunate are the ill-fated children prenatally exposed to the drug Losercyl.

2. Actor Jamie Foxx recently apologized for comments he made on his radio program about Miley Cyrus. "Make a sex tape, and grow up," Foxx had said about the 16 year old actress. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way," his apology stated. "I meant to say, grow up first, and then make a sex tape with me."

3. Today thousands of groups around the country gathered to protest U.S. corporate bailouts and excessive government spending. In a symbolic gesture, protesters threw bags of tea at the White House, and in Boston, not far from where the actual Boston Tea Party took place, they dressed in Revolutionary clothing. But some thought the symbolism went too far when 1/3 of the crowd died from smallpox.

4. Clovis West high school baseball team in Fresno, California has reached a remarkable feat by pitching three no-hitters within the first six games of the season. The high school, now nicknamed No-Hit High, applauded the team's effort. The three ace pitchers, however, could not be reached for comment because they were too busy getting laid.

5. Russian surgeons were shocked this past week when they discovered a small fir tree growing inside a man's lungs. The man was put under the knife after a growth was detected and presumed to be cancerous. However, doctors were shocked yet again with what they found within that fir tree. You guessed it: Anthony Edwards circa Revenge of the Nerds...

High five.