Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bob Dylan & Kumar

1. On Tuesday, GM and Segway revealed that they are partnering up in the development of a new two-wheeled electric vehicle. The 300 pound vehicle can reportedly travel up to 35 miles and reach speeds of around 35MPH on a single charge. By teaming up with Segway, the faltering GM has put its finger on the nation's pulse and finally answered the question Americans have been asking for years: "How can I be more like a mall cop?"

2. National security officials are warning that the U.S. electrical grid is in serious danger of being compromised by Chinese hackers, though it's not clear yet if any attacks have taken place. Water systems, financial networks, and nuclear power plants are also at risk, officials say. What isn't at risk? Our state-of-the-art fortune cookie grid.

3. In a recent interview with the Times, Bob Dylan said he was intrigued by President Barack Obama. "He's got an interesting background," said Dylan. "He's like a fictional character, but he's real." Though, for the sake of accurate reporting, the Times later admitted, "We're like 60% sure that's what he actually said."

4. Actor Kal Penn, Kumar from the popular Harold and Kumar films, has decided to leave his character on the show House to take a job as the new associate director of Public Liaisons for the White House. For those unfamiliar, the Office of Public Liaisons builds relationships and creates dialogue with American communities outside of Washington. Dialogue which will now start with, "Dude!"

5. Nearly 10,000 people rioted in the streets in the eastern European country of Moldova on Tuesday to protest the country's Communist leadership. Authorities say the group was able to gather so quickly thanks to social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Protesters clashed with police and damaged government buildings, but President Vladimir Voronin refused to budge, denouncing them as "fascists intoxicated with hatred LOL!"

High five.