Thursday, June 10, 2010


1. It's been reported this week that a security flaw in AT&T's wireless network allowed many iPad users' email addresses to be exposed. However, most iPad users say they hadn't even noticed since they were busy already lining up for whatever Apple releases next.

2. A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that heart attacks are down 24% in the last decade and that the most serious ST-segment heart attack is down a whopping 62%. Your move, McDonald's.

3. Thousands of nurses walked off the job in the twin cities Minneapolis and St. Paul on Thursday for what some are calling the largest nursing strike in U.S. history. Today, hundreds of porn industry screenwriters sued the nurses union for ripping off their story about twins, nurses, jobs, and things claiming to be the largest.

4. Wilder publishing company is under fire this week for including a warning alongside their printings of the U.S. Constitution. "This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today," cautions the publisher. Dick Cheney chimed in today saying the Constitution needs no warning label... but that "it might not be a bad idea to warn of the chaffing that occurs when wiping your ass with it."

5. The NCAA has stripped USC of its 2004 college football title win and has banned the school from the postseason for 2 years after the university was found to have violated NCAA recruiting rules. This also marks the first time "stripping" has been mentioned on the USC campus without a beer bong present.

High five.