Wednesday, November 17, 2010


1. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin received a new puppy as a gift this weekend and he has invited all Russian citizens to help give it a name.  So far, the top suggestion has been "Dinner."

2. A study released this week shows that a new drug called anacetrapib has been so successful in lowering bad cholesterol that researchers were shocked by the results.  Scientists say the drug acts by inhibiting the receptors in your brain that make you want to watch NASCAR.

3. Newly re-elected Lisa Murkowski has become the first write-in candidate to win a Senate seat since 1954.  The last person to do it?  California Senator I.C. Weiner.

4. Federal authorities are holding onto the new TSA pat-down security checks at airports, even with the deluge of complaints from critics who see it as invasive.  Passengers point out that the pat-downs wouldn't be so bad if the screeners weren't thinking about other passengers while doing it.

5. A Wisconsin man was arrested Tuesday morning after blasting his TV with a shotgun, apparently upset over Bristol Palin's performance on Dancing with the Stars.  Similarly distraught over her daughter's performance, Sarah Palin went outside and shot a pack of wolves from a helicopter.

High five.